Friday, September 25, 2009

Killed Some Characters Today...

One of them had it coming, naughty little wolf-- broke pack law and got caught by the top dogs. He really was a filthy little mutt, completly heartless and not even a trace of remorse.

The other character was one of my favorites and it ripped the heart out of a lot of my MC's. Poor things they're so lost now. I can't wait to write their stories as they grieve, lash out, cope, make mistakes, and grow. It's going to be rock bottom for a lot of them. It will be hard to write, I think, especially Angela-- there's no telling what kind of stunt that little spitfire's going to pull now. 

I have a feeling she's going to throw me some curve balls pretty soon, hopefully they won't clip me in the jaw. She's got a mean arm on her and my parents paid all that money for my teeth... ;) 

Sable day three: 80 pages, 13,000 words.


  1. I love the idea of your blog. I too am writing short stories, trying to develop and move on to bigger plots.

    Good luck the enticing fictional webs you're weaving ;)

  2. Thank you very much!

    And good luck with your writing as well. I started with short stories too, and then transitioned to novels. Fun stuff!
