Monday, October 5, 2009

Back in the Routine

I'll admit it. I've fallen away from Sable the past week. 

I got up with a grimace my insides gritty from the thought of looking at the stupid book. I wanted to give up. It's amazing how creative you can get when you're entertaining the idea of ruthlessly killing off every character in your book, all the while unable to coax anything worth reading from the actual story itself. 

I couldn't feel the story like I could before. My words seemed forced, and my characters were screaming at me just to write their dang story already! I already knew what I was going to write, what I had to write, but I wasn't feeling the magic like before. This novel that I loved so much suddenly filled me with bitter loathing. I guess killing off one of my favorite characters finally came back to haunt me. 

But this morning something changed...

I cut my page count in half (because of Edgebrook, which gets ten pages too, my newest addition to my written family, and don't worry, I'll tell you all about it.) And despite a hesitant start the ten pages came to me so fast, I felt the rush again. It was awesome! I let my fingers dance over the keyboard telling my inner perfectionist to shut the heck up and let me get the story written. I let my characters act freely without confining them to the limits I've placed on them and they did some very fascinating things.

I feel good. 

I got up at 4:30 again (seems to be a magical time for me for some odd reason. FWI I am not a morning person!) and like a puzzle piece I fit back into the routine that Silvermane hardwired into my brain and the rest of my day went smoothly, but most importantly I'm not going to abandon Sable. Though the novel is proving to be a difficult little brat, I'm going to finish Sable to the end. I'll probably have more hard times, but I can get through them. I know it.

38,300 words


  1. I'm in that same position. I set my novel aside for about a month and now I'm having a hard time getting back into the groove. It's good to know that it passes!

  2. I'm glad you are continuing with Sable!
